The course: “Experimental Education Protocol: The Temple of All Beings” by Angelo Plessas

Two weeks at the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts packed into lightning and felt like a whole month at the same time.

I participated in Angelo Plessas course, which offered us an alternative education protocol and a topic for reflection: the temple of all beings.

Each of the participants organized a workshop for the group, the aims of which were to broaden the understanding of the topic and to immerse ourselves in the processes that were proposed, emerged, and generated. I am very grateful to our group for the atmosphere of total acceptance of others, engagement and inclusion. First of all, we shared ways of thinking, and methods, interacted and had fun.
Thanks to the fast pace, we didn’t overthink and did not suffer from perfectionism or criticism. I think, it kept the good mood and allowed us to grab the right insights about art education, personal art practices and ways to collaborate with others.

The video is a quick tour of our workshops highlights/ processes. No deep dives or concepts here; we’ve made a full-blown book for that.



I am highly thankful for this experience and provided scholarship by Salzburg Internatio.nal Summer Academy of Fine Arts.

Let’s keep our inner fire!

Anna Margit Erber
Franziska Schink


Ти де? | Waar ben je? Magazine Launch


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