Ти де? | Waar ben je? Magazine Launch

"Where are you?": presentation of a collection of stories of Ukrainians in the Netherlands.

I invite you to the presentation of the magazine "Where are you?" Issue 1. On the way. The publication collects the stories of Ukrainians who ended up in the Netherlands due to the war.

- a short panel discussion about storytelling as a tool for empathy and the convergence of cultures,
- mini-workshop on making zines (own publication).

The main language of the event is English.
Magazine languages: Ukrainian and Dutch.

5 October
7:30 PM–9:00 PM (doors open from 7:00 PM)
Centrale Bibliotheek Rotterdam, Theaterzaal

The speakers of the presentation:

Anna Kakhiani — a Ukrainian multidisciplinary artist based in Amsterdam. She works with the themes of ambiguous empathy, memory transformation, sense of home and other topical issues using a personal level of research. Anna was a co-organiser, mediator and graphic designer of the magazine "Where Are You? Issue 1. On the Way"

Maria Shaidrova — PhD candidate at the University of Tilburg and director of Opora Foundation. She is exploring how we can interact with migrants in a humane and dignified way, respecting their differences and learning from each others' pains. She has experience in working with Nigerian, Ukrainian and Eritrean refugees.

Annosh Urbanke — curator, writer and artistic researcher. She is interested in post-socialism and self-organisation in ex-Yugoslavia and today’s collective alternative routes. Since 2020, she has been working for Stichting de Vrolijkheid on making art projects that are created within asylum centres visible.

Nicole Katenkari — education officer at FENIX migration museum, community manager and initiator of the TEEN ART CLUBS at Stichting VATAHA. Nicole is moderating the discussion.

