Tomorrow's light is falling on my wall

"Tomorrow's light is falling on my wall" captures, in a non-documentary way, the changed sense of the future that has arisen for Ukrainians because of the Russian terror against my homeland.

There is no longer any certainty of space, and time begins to be non-linear and includes much more than anyone is accustomed to. The future has become both a monument of hope and a pocket full of stones for luck that you carry with you everywhere. It has become a light that falls through the window on your wall and you feel it as a hope, a promise of a good day tomorrow.

This experience deserves to be shared not for the sake of empathy. Its fruits deserve to be found because they open a broader critical view of the present. And in chance, if we use it for understanding the uncertainty of the future that is common to all. It is an open endlessness of potentials for everyone, in which we are intertwined together.

Even if the sunlight is falling, endlessly falling, it fills us with astringent hope.

Opening 17th of March 5-7 PM
Will be running till the 26th of March.
Weekend 14:00-18:00
Working days 15:00-19:00

WG Plein t/o nr 80, 1054 DM Amsterdam

Supported by the Dutch Fund for Ukrainian Artists, Mondrian Fonds and Airwg  Art Residency.


Freedom and hospitality: Ukrainian artists at the Wilhelmina Gasthuis


International Renaissance Foundation and the Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund Scholarship