The Diorama of Accidental Temples 2.0

As we pass through the dark season and events around, I decided to repeat the workshop I arranged during Angelo Plessas's “Experimental Education Protocol: The Temple of All Beings” at Salzburg Summer Academy last August.

What could be a temple of the present? Could it be all landscapes and random places where we find ourselves enlightened? An existential moment in life can happen anywhere, whether it's a riverbank or a line for a coffee. So why not think about these flexible boundaries of temples that emerge when we need or are ready for them? 


10.02 / 13:00-18:00


LELY, Amsterdam. 

Schipluidenlaan 12, 1062 HE

The number of participants is limited (max 15 persons). Registration is obligated. The participation fee is flexible 10 €~… and will be used for tools and materials, arranging pauses, etc. 

Registration is CLOSED

After filling out this form you will be redirected to the payment page to complete your registration.

Thank you for your interest and trust.

See you soon!

Later on, I will send a reminder with all details via email.

Big thanks to De Apple for sharing plexiglass and to Urban Resort for the space. 


What will it be about?

It's about enlightenment and expanding the boundaries of how to get it. In general, it's just fun. 

Do I have to be an artist to take part? 

No, the workshop is open to everyone with any experience. The main thing is the desire to have a good time and be ready to interact with other people because the workshop is based on the processes of joint reflection and co-creation. 

What will we be doing? 

The workshop consists of several stages. 

Personal work with memories + followed by all the stages of working with a group: mapping, developing a diorama sketch, engraving on plexiglass, and the final stage - installation to see the results.


The survey for the project ‘Hug me with words, or maybe not’
