21.07.2024 Pannel Discussion

On 21 July at 15:00, as part of the public program of the exhibition and a closing event, a panel discussion will take place to address the issue of empathy in a multicultural environment. 

I am pleased to introduce the invited speakers: 

Christian Van Der Kooy is a Dutch visual artist and curator, who lives and works in The Hague. His work consists of commissions and long-term projects that investigate the concept of the public domain. The keynote of his process is to consider our notions of identity and belonging. In his projects, he explores the imagination and the imaginable by posing questions about our collective relationship with the land. Since his first visit to revolutionary Kyiv in 2004, he has been looking for stories in which a new generation of Ukrainians shaped their war-torn society. 

Van der Kooy's work is represented in permanent and private collections, and he has curated and exhibited in Melkweg Expo Amsterdam, Nederlands Fotomuseum and Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, Fotomuseum Den Haag, CID Grand-Hornu, Künstlerhaus Dortmund and RA Gallery Kyiv, among others.

Annosh Urbanke is an independent curator and researcher. She is interested in neo-avant-garde, post-socialism and self-organisation in ex-Yugoslavia. At the moment, she is working on projects along specific archives in ZERO foundation Dusseldorf and Zagreb (which will be conceived in an exhibition end of August), the Works and Words archive at De Appel. Those projects connect avant-garde to this region and the present time. She holds a BA in museology (Reinwardt Academy) and an MA in modern and contemporary art history (Utrecht University). Annosh writes about art and speculative fiction. Her writings have been featured by Valiz, Mister Motley, Bronze Age, Metropolis M, Tubelight, Outline and MaMA’s Universe.

Maarten Dekker studied Language & Cultures, has a degree in International Relations and studies psychology. He has been working in a shelter for 5 years and since last year has worked at an organization that helps Ukrainians find psychosocial support. 

Daria Delawar-Kasmai is a team member of the Empatia Program, which provides essential mental health support to displaced Ukrainian individuals in the Netherlands. As a displaced person from Ukraine herself, Daria brings a unique and empathetic perspective to her work, understanding firsthand the profound challenges faced by those who have fled the war. She holds degrees from Kyiv Mohyla Academy and the University of Amsterdam, combining a solid academic foundation with her personal experiences to effectively aid and advocate for her community. 

I am looking forward to seeing you! 

WG Kunst

Marius van Bouwdijk Bastiaansestraat 28

1054 SP Amsterdam


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Photo report from the exhibition opening Hug Me With Words Or Maybe Not at WG Kunst 12.07.2024