Invitation & registration for the workshop The Diorama of Accidental Temples 3.0

In dark times, we are seeking for light. I am inviting you to join a third edition of the workshop ‘The Diorama of Accidental Temples’ which I will host during the exhibition ‘Leaving Space’. 

We will recall moments of insights and illuminations, existentially important moments, moments of sudden inspiration that have happened to us and create a shared diorama of these powerful moments, building a network of connections with strangers and finding something common and surprisingly new in ourselves and others. The practice involves sincerity, attentiveness and communication. 

First, we will address our memory, then work on the mapping stage. After a short tea/snack break, we will do sketching and move on to the final part - creating a light installation. The result of the workshop will remain in the exhibition space. 

You can find video and photo documentation of previous workshops here: edition 1, edition2.

The registration form is below.

Registration is obligated and the max number of participants is 15. 

The workshop is free of charge, but if you register please take it seriously and let me know if you cannot come.

Date: 28.09 Saturday

Start: 13:00

Address: LELY, Amsterdam, Schipluidenlaan 12, 1062 HE

The working language of the event is English. 

Please arrive in advance to find a right building and spot, so we can start in time. 

The workshop will take around 4 hours (1 break).

Please take some snacks with you, I will arrange some tea and lemonade. 


Farewell to Broedplaats Lely: ‘Leaving Space’ Exhibition Celebrates Iconic Cultural Hub