The Runnings of the Stranger


video, performance documentation, text

04:50 min

In every era, the notion of utopia is a certain variation of the ideal present, the ideal past, and the ideal future, as well as the relationship between these three concepts. Ultimately, the line between utopian ideas and dystopian motives has blurred. These two ideologies exist in close tandem, and the key to understanding the essence of each is its antagonist. 

On February 24, 2022, millions of Ukrainians began to rapidly lose their essence of home due to Russia's full-scale invasion. And with the same force as the loss, love and understanding of the value of what we had began to manifest. Everyone asked themselves “What awaits us?” This feeling also overtook me—the feeling of a lost utopia, a lost essence of home.

As a refugee, you find yourself in the middle of an alien environment, and it doesn't know much about you, and you don't know anything about it - now you are a stranger.

Your perception of the environment is different from that of a tourist who always comes as a consumer and explorer for a portion of pleasure and inspiration. Your new status doesn't change your environment, but it gives you completely different perspectives. And a country with a great lifestyle design starts to seem like an illusion and a dystopian game you got into in a bad dream, a beautiful scenery, behind which something threatening is still hiding.  

The performative practices and self-documentation in this work have become a method of exploring the elusive feeling that stunning change brings us, an attempt to examine ourselves in new coordinates of space and time, to grasp the slipping sense of home.

This is the question I keep repeating: is home now forever about testing the boundaries?