Safe place


Safe place. The three-hour exhibition in a public space. Hydropark, Kyiv.

The exhibition is a reflection on the notion of a safe place, boundaries, and the nature of safety as a sense. One can classify safety indefinitely, dividing it into economic, ecological, state, personal, air, military, climatic, viral, cosmic, external, internal, and so on. But on a personal level, it will always remain, rather, a sense of control, of both physical and personal safety, when vigilance replaces inner peace. In the end, it is not always possible to feel safe and, at the same time, be safe. However, our consciousness can return us mentally to a safe place and use memories as a resource on the physical and mental levels. It is believed that safety is a condition in which some act or non-act in relation to the object is not the cause of negative consequences. But what happens when a regression begins due to a long stay in a state of safety, and the absence of developmental stimulants leads to decay?

The exhibition was opened within the project Informal Space on April 13 at 7 p.m. and lasted 3 hours in the territory of Hydro Park (Kyiv).