Opening on 01.02: “Over Leven; Kunstenaars en hun strijd om vrijheid” at Gorcums Museum

The Netherlands is celebrating 80 years of freedom this year. A celebration with two sides, because freedom is only appreciated when we (er)know the consequences of war and oppression.

From 1 February, eleven artists will show how the creating process constitutes a processing of war, refuge and freedom. In their own way, each artist provides a struggle that shows that freedom cannot be taken for granted.

Dolf Henkes, for instance, recorded the destruction of Rotterdam during and after the Second World War. During his lifetime, Armando incorporated war memories in his art. Ger Lataster's oeuvre can be seen as a monument to life, but also as a warning against human pride and self-destruction.

Artists who did not experience World War II themselves - Marlene Dumas, Raquel Maulwurf, Gery De Smet and Niek Verschoor - also highlight war and freedom in their work. With their visual work, they reflect on our past and the current state of affairs in the world.

Finally, on the second floor, the Gorcums Museum presents some makers who fled their homeland to work in freedom. Chinese artist Ai Weiwei, Saudi Saeeda Saeed, Iranian Farhad Foroutanian and Ukrainian Anna Kakhiani show us that the freedom we experience is not experienced everywhere.

To preserve our freedom, it is important to look for what connects us. This is why we pay tribute to the city's diversity in the attic.

Efrat Zehavi entered into conversation with several Gorcumers on the theme of freedom and, while talking, made their portrait in clay. After the opening, the talks and portraits will continue and visitors will be able to design their own freedom in a collage at the craft table.

Curated by Jack van Mildert.

01.02, 15:00-17:30
On display till 25.05
Grote Markt 17, Gorinchem 4201 EB


Opening on 20.02: Interwoven at Vrij Paleis, Amsterdam


The text ‘Between Knives and Words’ by Yuliia Elyas/ MOST MAGAZINE